When you drag the window that contains an iframe, quickly moving the mouse over iframe dragging stops
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Hello Enrico,
Sorry, but we can't reproduce this behavior. It appears that the ASPxPopupControl in the attached project works fine for us.
Could you please be more specific and attach your problematic project, so that we can reproduce the issue and research it in detail?
Excuse me, but I have not explained well.
do not speak good English.
when the PopupControl contains a ContentURL
(example: http://demos.devexpress.com/ASPxperienceDemos/PopupControl/ContentUrl.aspx)
if you turn drag and we will move quickly with your mouse over the form content inside drag stops
Hello Enrico,
We've reproduced this problem. We'll try to fix it soon. Thank you for your information.
Hello Enrico,
Unfortunately, it's technically impossible to fix this problem… The popup control's content is an IFrame with another Web page. The PopupControl doesn't receive any events from that page.
You can fix by applying a transparent layer above the iframe when drag.
Another technique used in fremwork alternative is to hide the iframe when drag
Hi Enrico,
Thank you for your suggestion. We'll try to work around the issue by creating a transparent layer. Your issue report has been converted to a Suggestion. It will be considered for a future version.
Don't work with Explorer 8
We've reproduced the problem and created the corresponding Support Center's issue: ASPxPopupControl - If the ContentUrl property is defined, table borders within the dragged popup window's content are not hidden, under IE. You can track it to be
informed about our progress.