I've read your answer to follow issue : http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q90910.aspx?searchtext=treelist+selection&tid=4b2d6f97-c4ae-48fc-87f6-8c5da6541e40
I also want to select a treenode in my treelist. If I change the 'EnableAppearanceFocusedRow property' to false in your example project, I can't select a row with the "ClickMe" button.
I've attached you the project of (http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q90910.aspx?searchtext=treelist+selection&tid=4b2d6f97-c4ae-48fc-87f6-8c5da6541e40) with the modification of EnableAppearanceFocusedRow.
Thanks for your answer.
Steps to Reproduce:
You must change the 'EnableAppearanceFocusedRow' to false.
Selection with the follow code :
Actual Results:
There is no selection.
Expected Results:
The selected row should be selected (=> appearance).
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