I have problem with XtraGrid and I think it could be a Bug.
When I am using Grid, with grouping, sorting by group summaries, column filter and at the end column sort, the groups are incorrect (for example few groups for the same column value)
(If we dont use sorting by group summaries, everything looks all right.)
Steps to Reproduce:
With project from Attachment:
1 - Run
2 - Click 'Group' Button
3 - Click 'Sort by summaries' Button
4 - Turn on Filter on gridColumn3, for example "c3_0"
5 - Sort by gridColumn5
Actual Results:
DataSource is random, so the results don't look always the same, but they are always incorrect - more than one group for the same group value
Expected Results:
Correct grouping
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Hello Rafal,
Thank you for your test project. It works fine on my system. I'm using XtraGrid v7.2.6. Please update your components to the most recent version.
Thank you,
Thank you for assistance
I've upgraded controls to the 7.3.3 version and still have the same problem. Please look at the picture from attachment. I've also changed the project. Now the results are constant.
I've managed to reproduce the problem after adding the following code line to your project:
[STAThread] static void Main() { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pl-PL"); // <<< NEW LINE Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); }
We are looking for a solution. Please bear with us.
Thank you,