Bug Report B90406
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Grid doesn't display rows when a new DataSource is assigned within a BeginUpdate - EndUpdate block

created 17 years ago

We have a problem when it comes to refresh a gridControl. In our project we have a method that assign a datatable to the gridControl dataSource, and another visual modifications. All these are between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods of gridControl object.
If the grid has the scroll activated and to select a row i have to scroll down in the grid and then i click in a button that create another DataTable only with the selected row and call the method described above, the grid don ́t show the selected row. Only if we click in the grid and then make a scroll with the mouse the grid is redesigned.
Steps to Reproduce:
1- Scrool down in the grid.
2- select a row
3- click in the button above the grid
- to show the record:
    4- click in the grid
    5- scroll with the mouse to the record appear

<newline /> gridControl1.BeginUpdate(); <newline /> <newline /> gridControl1.DataSource = dt2; <newline /> <newline /> gridControl1.EndUpdate(); <newline />

Expected Results:
Only the 3 first steps should be made to show the record. We could have significant performances problems if we move grid datasource assign out of BeginUpdate and EndUpdate method.

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