Bug Report B90114
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The ASPxPopupMenu control's ItemClick event that is handled to export the grid's data keeps firing after exporting has been completed

created 17 years ago

I have a popup menu for exporting. After I select export to XLS, the ItemClick event fires correctly on the server and I then call the GridViewExporter to send the data back to the client. So far so good.
However, after the export has completed successfully and I try to do anything with the grid (i.e. sort, move between pages, etc.), the grid gets stuck on "Loading…". I traced the code and found out that any callback from the grid to the server is firing the popup menu ItemClick event.
Is this a known issue? If so, can you point me to the fix?
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Run project
  2. Select EXPORT-> to XLS (check the PopupMenuExport_ItemClick event is fired). Export to a local file.
  3. Select filter dropdown Type and select any type. Notice PopupMenuExport_ItemClick is fired again and then the grid locks up.
Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

    Hello Eben,
    Could you please attach your sample project demonstrating the issue so that we can investigate the problem in detail.

      Attached is a project reproducing the problem.

      DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

        Hello Eben,
        We're now investigating your problem. Thank you for your patience.

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