I have 3 VGridControls on a LayoutControl with their LayoutStyle = BandsView, OptionsView.AutoScaleBands = True, OptionsView.ScaleRowHeaderPanel = True.
I set the RowHeaderWidth to 80 in the designer, but when I save the form, this value changes to a seemingly random (higher) value. Further saves randomly increase this value.
This form was fine with DXperience 7.2.5 and lower, this started happening after the 7.3.2 upgrade.
Steps to Reproduce:
Place 3 VGridControls into a LayoutControl and set the following properties:
LayoutStyle = BandsView
OptionsView.AutoScaleBands = True
OptionsView.ScaleRowHeaderPanel = True
Save, re-load and save the form several times.
Actual Results:
The RowHeaderWidth changes.
Expected Results:
The RowHeaderWidth should retain it's value.
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A couple of further developments:
a) I can no longer change the RowHeaderWidth at design time. Typeing in a new value just resets to the previous value, and I cannot resize the column in the designer - the resizer double arrow cursor changes to a four-point arrow cursor when I click the mouse and prevents the drag operation.
b) The RowHeaderWidth is changing at run time when the VGridControl is on an XtraLayout.TabbedControlGroup and the tab pages are switched.
After further investigation, the problem appears to be with the OptionsView.AutoScaleBands property. If I set this to False, the screwy behaviour stops (but, of course, I lose the Auto-scaling facility).
I tried toggling the OptionsView.ScaleRowHeaderPanel to both True and False, but still had problems with randomly changing RowHeaderWidths coupled with randomly locking RowHeaderWidths.
I loaded a backup copy of the source from immediately before the 7.3 upgrade and this works perfectly, so it looks like a 7.3 problem.
I guess I'll just have to live without auto-scaling for now :o(