When setting a scale factor on my report the charts don't display correctly.
Steps to Reproduce:
Run the attached sample and click the button to see the report.
Now change the ScaleFactor to 50%
Actual Results:
Grids are resized correctly, charts are left in an unusable state i.e. arbitrary amount chopped of the right edge
Expected Results:
That all of the report components are scaled correctly.
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Thanks for the report. I've managed to reproduce the problem. We've fixed this misbehavior in the upcoming version of the Suite (v7.3). Meantime, since this scenario makes sense, I believe we should update our v7.2 methods accordingly.
We'll let you know once this issue is fixed.
Thank you,
Just wanted to say that I've just installed version 7.3.2 and the chart scaling is working as expected.
Also I'd like to specifically thank Alex (the person who has provided most of my answers) for the support he has provided over the last four weeks, his answers have been both timely and informative, I'm not sure I would have achieved my report deadline without his assistance, it has been greatly appreciated.
Many thanks