Bug Report B35426
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Column headers height is calculated incorrectly if there are two fields in the DataArea while one is for values and the other is for the grand total

created 16 years ago

I need to display a custom grand total in my Pivot and I'm using an unboundfield to accomplish this.
I'm using a DataField (DataArea) to show values, but not totals/grand-totals. And I'm using UnboundDataField (DataArea) to show grand-totals only. Unfortunately this is causing the cell height in ColumnArea to be double of what is needed.

Comments (2)

    This issue is rendering my report not acceptable to our business users. Can you please request a public fix for this asap?

    DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

      Hello Dave,
      Our developers are looking for a solution. We cannot give you any time frame at present, because our estimate may be misleading.
      Once the report's state has been changed, you'll receive an email notification from the Support Center.
      Then, you'll be able to request a public fix build prior to the official release date.
      Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

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