Bug Report B35067
Visible to All Users

Export to RTF - XRChart is cut off when the XRChart.ImageType property is set to the Metafile value

created 16 years ago

Steps to Reproduce:
Run a sample project and export the report to the RTF. See the results.

Show previous comments (5)
Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 16 years ago

    Hello Christian,
    Pease note that the 8.3.5 signature means that this public fix will be officially available in the forthcoming v2008 vol 3.5 of the Suite. We raise a release version number just before the official release date. However, since this version haven't been released yet, we've posted you the most recent intermediate build, which includes this bug fix. Therefore, it is labeled with the 8.3.4 signature. Please let me know whether it makes sense and solves the problem.

    CL CL
    Christian Llanos 16 years ago

      OK, I have tried what you suggested. I have uninstalled everything. I made sure everything was removed and I've intsalled the 8.3.4 again and the issue still persists.

      Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 16 years ago

        Hello Christian,
        Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we've published an incorrect public fix build.
        I've uploaded the most recent build (2009/02/23). Please re-download the public fix, and let me know whether it works properly.

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