Bug Report B32611
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Design Time - The XtraReport.BackColor property changes the page background color

created 17 years ago

NOTE: This problem can be fixed only in 8.3.

  1. Add the XtraReport.PageColor property. By default it is White.
  2. When deserializing old reports (which were created before 8.3), if the XtraReport.BackColor property is not set the default value (Transparent), this value should be applied to both XtraReport.BackColor and XtraReport.PageColor properties.
  3. The behavior should be changed - if the PageColor property is set to White, then the BackColor property shouldn't change the color of a page - it should be only in effect for the BackColor property of bands and their controls.
  4. Also, we need to describe this breaking change - that the XtraReport.BackColor property now doesn't change the page color, and it is necessary to use the XtraReport.PageColor property instead.

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