Bug Report B32197
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Lookup editors for properties with the DataSourceProperty attribute don't work correctly in the New Item row of a grid

created 17 years ago
Show previous comments (5)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago
    DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

      hi sir…
        i am still facing problem in ItemAllocation when i click Manufacturer lookup in Opening_ItemAllocation listview then error occurs but when i open ItemAllocation Detaiview it works . i am sending simple project plz check this out and give me right solution.

      Unknown 17 years ago

        I have lots of proplem with Datasource property BuG ID B32197 Due to this My Entire project on hold and also my client facing lot of problem. So please rectify this bug . Please do it.
        It's very urgent, Pleased Fix it

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