Bug Report B19101
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ASPxGridView - The FocusedRowChanged event is not triggered when there is no data to show after filtration

created 17 years ago

I am using to the client FocusRowChange event in an ASPXGridView to perform important functions on my form. The one problem I have found is that when the user does a filter that yields no results. The FocusRowChange event is not fired. When the filter is cleared and the grid data reappears there is no focused row. This causes a number of problems on my web page.
I think the FocusRowChange event should be fired since the focused row has been cleared.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. run the project
  2. gfilter the grid so that it does not contain data
  3. there is no alert
Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago
    Andrew (DevExpress) 17 years ago

      The FocusRowChange event is fired now in the situation you've described.
      The related unit tests have been changed accordingly.
      Thank you,

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