Bug Report B19047
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Web - Print layout is incorrect when printing an entire document in Internet Explorer 7

created 17 years ago

Hi, excuse me but I have same problem when printing in IE7. I made an intranet that worked with clients IE6 and was all ok. Now that PC changes and have IE7 I have same problems. All clients can't print correctly and maybe now I must buy another reports engine or make these reports work correctly (buy another engine is spend money and time…). I can't force users to install IE6 to print correctly with your suite. I think you must make something to adjust this problem. I think it's a very big problem. I try to set page in IE7 but nothing happen. I spent more time to understand your software, I think it's very useful. But this problem is a very (i repeat) big problem. I hope you can find how to resolve in little time.Excuse my bad english. I wait with impatience (users not).
Balbo Flavio
Hi, in attach images of same problem. I use IE7 - You? This is a very easy page. But problem is also on more sophisticated pages. See my image and, please, sent me an explanation of how I can resolve this problem. Soon I will be forced to pay if I don't resolve. Is IE7? I use mm instead of inches. But I think this is not it the problem.Any idea?

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago
    DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

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