Ticket B150005
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PropertyEditors.Lookup.Web - Take into account the Sorting settings of the ListView node and do not always sort by the display name when a regular drop-down editor is displayed

created 16 years ago
Comments (2)

    By when can we expect this suggestion to be implemented?

    Anatol (DevExpress) 12 years ago

      I am afraid that we cannot provide you with any time frames. This feature is definitely useful, but currently we have higher priority tasks. Thank you for your feedback.


      created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

      I have implemented this suggestion in 12.2. Starting with this version, sorting options set for the lookup ListView in the application model under the Sorting node will be considered when generating items for the drop down (refer to the attached screenshot where items are shown in the descending order).
      If no sorting is specified, then items will be sorted alphabetically by the display value, as in previous versions.

        Comments (3)

          That's great - thanks Dennis.

            That's very good… thanks

              Thanks Dennis for this new feature!

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