Hello ,
I tried to export many objects via a compositelinks, in my webpage there are many aspxpivotgrids so i need many aspxpivotgridexporters , when i tried the code below with one aspxpivotgridexporter , everything goes well , but when i tried to add another aspxpivotgridexporter on the page (via toolbox, drag and drop and not dynamically) i have the folowing error (see printscreen attached) . That's the system.web.ui that found that the aspxgridexporter have the same id 'state'.This error is caused by the second aspxgridexporter on the page , if i delete it . the error disappears , i've tried to find another case in the knowledge base but without succes . Here after you'll find my code sample . Can you help me to find a solution , because i need it urgently to finished an important project… Thanks for your help.
Steps to Reproduce:
two aspxpivotgrids on a same page
two aspxgridexporters on a same page
a fonction for exporting via links and compositelinks
Actual Results:
Multiple objects with same id 'state'
Expected Results:
Private Sub ExportPDF()
Dim ps As New PrintingSystem()
With ps
.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
.PageSettings.Landscape = True
.PageMargins.Right = 39
.PageMargins.Left = 39
End With
Dim link1 As New PrintableComponentLink()
link1.Component = ASPxPivotGridExporter1
link1.PrintingSystem = ps
With link1.PrintingSystem
.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
.PageSettings.Landscape = True
.PageMargins.Right = 39
.PageMargins.Left = 39
DocSize = .PageSettings.Bounds.Width
ScaleFact = .PageSettings.UsablePageSize.Width
.Graph.StringFormat = New BrickStringFormat(StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center)
link1.PrintingSystem.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = 1
End With
Dim linkGridHeader As New Link
AddHandler linkGridHeader.CreateDetailArea, AddressOf GridHeader
linkGridHeader.PrintingSystem = ps
With linkGridHeader.PrintingSystem
.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
.PageSettings.Landscape = True
.PageMargins.Right = 39
.PageMargins.Left = 39
End With
Dim linkGridSimCard As New PrintableComponentLink
linkGridSimCard.Component = ASPxPivotGridExporter2
linkGridSimCard.PrintingSystem = ps
With linkGridSimCard.PrintingSystem
.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
.PageSettings.Landscape = True
.PageMargins.Right = 39
.PageMargins.Left = 39
End With
Dim linkLabelSimCard As New Link()
AddHandler linkLabelSimCard.CreateDetailArea, AddressOf LabelSimCard
linkLabelSimCard.PrintingSystem = ps
With linkLabelSimCard.PrintingSystem
.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
.PageSettings.Landscape = True
.PageMargins.Right = 39
.PageMargins.Left = 39
End With
Dim linkSummaryChart As New Link()
AddHandler linkLabelSimCard.CreateDetailArea, AddressOf SummaryCharts
linkSummaryChart.PrintingSystem = ps
With linkSummaryChart.PrintingSystem
.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
.PageSettings.Landscape = True
.PageMargins.Right = 39
.PageMargins.Left = 39
End With
Dim compositeLink As New CompositeLink()
compositeLink.Links.AddRange(New Object() {linkGridHeader, link1, linkLabelSimCard, linkSummaryChart}) ', link1, link2
compositeLink.PrintingSystem = ps
AddHandler compositeLink.CreateMarginalFooterArea, AddressOf compositeLink_Footer
AddHandler compositeLink.CreateMarginalHeaderArea, AddressOf compositeLink_Header
compositeLink.PrintingSystem.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = 1
compositeLink.PrintingSystem.ExportOptions.Pdf.DocumentOptions.Author = "Test"
With compositeLink.PrintingSystem.PageSettings
.PrinterName = ""
.Landscape = True
.LeftMargin = 39
.RightMargin = 39
.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A3
End With
Using stream As New MemoryStream()
Response.Buffer = False
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/Pdf")
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary")
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=SingleReport.Pdf")
End Using
End Sub
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Hello Jean,
The fix has been included in the next minor update v2008 vol 3.5. It will be available soon.