Bug Report B134007
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Text alignment is incorrect in Preview mode for the text formatted with monospaced Font (such as Courier New)

created 16 years ago

When trying to Preview or Print a RichTextBox with the Printing System, the Text is not aligned, like it is inside the RichTextBox.
By using a monospaced Font (such as Courier New) , Text that is formated in this (old-fashioned) way , should be aligned in every character to the next line.
Unfortunately there is some shifting going on (RTF File, Screenshots provided).
You can very clearly see the Shifting in the colored Background ,and also in the ¦ Characters, which should be aligned normally.

Show previous comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Hi Markus,
    Yes, you've selected the XtraReport suite in the original post, and I've changed it.
    I've done it because the XtraReport is using the XtraRichEdit component internally, to prepare RTF print preview.
    We've fixed the problem with monospaced font in the RichEdit (and you may notice that the print preview becomes better in 2009.1), but the problem still exists in the print preview.
    We will examine this problem further, and do our best to fix this issue in the print preview.

    DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

      Hi Markus,
      We've examined this problem in the XtraReport PrintPreview.
      Unfortunately, this problem appears due to a rounding problem, and it's impossible to fix it in the current version of the suite.
      At present, I suggest that you use tabs in your rtf file to overcome this issue.
      Please feel free to contact us if you need any additional assistance. We will be happy to help you.

        Well Thanks Andrew for your comments.
        It's a bit odd, that it's not fixable, however i could solve the problem ,by using a quick and dirty way described in this article using none of the DevExpress Components:
        In case someone else has a similar problem.
        Of course it would be nicer to have all the nice features of the PrintingSystem of DevExpress, but it's not a big Issue for me now.
        I guess the same problem will be if using the XtraRichEdit component (which is still in Beta), so i like just to add a final reminder, that there are still many monospaced documents in the business world (for example out of SAP) that need to be processed.

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