Bug Report B133597
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Code Issues - Extension methods from the System.Data.DataSetExtensions assembly are marked as undeclared elements

created 16 years ago

Field/SetField are generic extension methods in the assembly System.Data.DataSetExtensions
Both raise an undeclared element.
(BTW, I rarely turn on CI because I have one or two legacy files that it completly chokes on, so there could easily be more. … went to check now… it seems to be ignoring large files now? (which would be fine with me - a 10KLOC file is generaly beyond rescue by Code Issues))
Steps to Reproduce:
DataRow firstRow = testContext.MainTable.Rows[ 0 ];
                    firstRow.SetField( "Id", 999 );
testContext.MainTable.Rows[ 0 ].Field<int>( "Id" )

Comments (2)
Unknown 16 years ago

    I spoke too soon, it parsed, but then gives a similar false positive on a call to
        public class EditTypeHelper
            public static EditTypes GetEditType( Int16 type )

    Where EditTypes is an enum

    Unknown 16 years ago

      Also on
      DataTable x = …
                  IEnumerable<DataRow> colsInTable = x.AsEnumerable()
                      .Where( row => row.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted && row.Field<int>( tblIdIndex ) == tblId )
                      .OrderBy( row => row.Field<short>( colOrderIndex ) );
      In addition to the Field being hilighted as before, AsEnumerable and RowState are flagged too.
      AsEnumerable is from DataSetExtensions but RowState isnt.

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