Bug Report B133563
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Cannot add the 'xxx' object with the = 'xxx' key to the object cache, because another 'xxx' object with the same key has already been added to it

created 16 years ago

Use the project attached in my previous post. ID : B133558
İletişim Yazılım
Steps to Reproduce:
Add a new Color Object.
With 1 Pantone in its Pantones collection.
Save the Color Object.
Clone the newly added Color object.
Change the Code property of the cloned Color object because Code is Unique.
Add a new Pantone to the Pantones Collection.
Save the Object.
You will get the error.
Try to Save again and get the another error.
Close the Form. Resfresh the List. Object is added despite of error.

Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 16 years ago

    Hello Akin,
    We have fixed your bug. Currently, as a workaround you can rewrite your Oid property in the DbBaseObject as shown in the code below:

    [Persistent("OID";-) , Key(AutoGenerate = true)] Int32 oid = -1; public Int32 Oid { get { return oid; } }

    In the next version of the suite (8.3.5 and 9.1), keys will be entirely ignored when cloning, and you can return to your old definition if needed.

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