I am having the exact problem as described in Q185169.
To sumerize, I am using .NET 8.2. I have recently upgraded from previous versions and I no longer can get any pages with charts to load.
I have tried removing the assembly references from the web.config as suggested and that made no difference. I've also checked my Bin and I have the exact same list of DLL's installed. Just as mentioned in the previous in the previous post, everything works fine Locally, but when moved to the production server I receive the "Operation Could destabilize the runtime" error. (also a medium trust). I have included the code used at the end of this message, but as I mentioned it works fine locally.
The original bug was reported several months ago, so I would assume their is a resolution by now. If you could please provide a link, that would be great. If there is no bug fix, if you could please provide me with instructions on where to locate the previous versions.
I am under extreme pressure from others to get this resolved quickly. The team at DevX has been very helpful in the past, and I hope that you will be able to help me once again.
Protected Sub WebChartControl1_ObjectSelected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraCharts.HotTrackEventArgs) Handles WebChartControl1.ObjectSelected
e.Cancel = False
Dim point As SeriesPoint = TryCast(e.AdditionalObject, SeriesPoint)
End Sub
Private Sub InitProductsChart(ByVal point As SeriesPoint)
WebChartControl1.Series(0).Visible = False
Dim dataFilter1 As New DataFilter("Division", "System.String", DataFilterCondition.Equal, point.Argument)
WebChartControl1.Series(2).Visible = True
End Sub
Steps to Reproduce:
Add a chart to an aspx page, and run it in a hosted environment.
Actual Results:
Receive stack error "Operation could destabilize runtime"
Expected Results:
Chart to load as normal.
I have just tried the same procedure using version 8.3, and obtained the same error.
Hello Benjamin,
Assuming that you deploy your web site in the Medium Trust environment, I suggest that you check that the Resolve Overlapping feature is disabled, since it requires the Full Trust permission level.
If this doesn't help, please post any sample project showing the issue, so that I can deploy it locally and determine what is going wrong.
Thank you,
Sure I can check that, but I've never seen that feature before. Could you please tell me where that setting is?
Nevermind, I found that setting. It was unchecked (disabled). I will soon upload a ZIP file so that you can see exactly what I'm doing. However, I feel that my problem is the exact problem as the Bug mentioned in my initial post. I've added a copy of what DevX said at that point. It mentions that a fix was created, could you please provide me with a link to this fix? I believe it may be of help to me.
Updated by Developer Express Team at 9/22/2008 1:47:02 AM
Hello Phillip,
Thank you for the information. I've successfully reproduced this issue after deploying your sample on our test server: "Operation could destabilize the runtime" error occurred when running on the test server. Also the chart is not displayed when testing it on the VS development server. We decided to convert this thread to a bug report. We'll do our best to fix this bug ASAP.
The source code as promised.
Hello Benjamin,
Thanks for posting your files. I'll perform the deployment in our testing environment, and let you know the results.
BTW: The fact is that prior to the post you mentioned (dated 9/22/2008 1:47:02 AM), the Q185169 thread was sent to the Questions section.
Since Alessandro reproduced the problem causing the exception ("Operation Could destabilize the runtime"), he decide to move this thread to the Bugs section.
Later on, this thread was closed with By Design status, since we came to the conclusion that this problem is likely caused by an assembly conflict on the deployment machine.
Thank you,
I noticed that my issue was active again today, but I haven't seen any post. I also wanted to add, that version 7.3 works perfectly fine. My only issue with rolling back to that version is that it doesn't contain summary functions. I believe version 8.2 is the first to contain the summary functions, but it also gives the same error.
I'm not sure if this is helpful to diagnose my issue, but I though that I would share it with you anyway.
Hi Benjamin,
Thanks for the update. I've tested your sample project locally and was able to reproduce the same error when deploying the web application in the Medium Trust environment.
Unfortunately, we haven't yet managed to clearly diagnose this issue, so I'm afraid I cannot provide you with a suitable workaround method to avoid this problem.
We'll continue our research, and will keep you informed of any progress. Thanks for your patience.
Hello Benjamin,
We're glad to inform you that we have fixed this problem.
We've detected that the exception occurs on some machines when casting the array to the IList<T> type. So, this appears to be more of a .NET Framework issue, than ours.
However, we've updated our method to work around this misbehavior. If necessary, you can request a public fix build right away.
Thank you,
That's great. I really hope that it is that the fix corrects the problem on the machine that I am using. How would I go about requesting a fix?
Hello Benjamin,
Simply specify the version number and then click the "Request Fix" button when logged into the Support Center and viewing this issue.
For more details about the Public Fix service, please read Julian's blog at Getting your fix: the DevExpress way.
Thank you,
I just wanted to let you know that the fix works perfectly. I do have one final question. I would like to set the positions Labels on the X-Axis to 270. When I do this in the wizard it always seems to reset itself to the default values if more than one series are added.
Is there a way I can change this through code, or is there something that I am doing incorrect.
Thanks as always
Nevermind, I found what I was looking for. I'll close the issue. You guys are great for putting up with me. Thanks.
Dim axisX As AxisXBase = (CType(WebChartControl1.Series(1).View, XYDiagramSeriesViewBase)).AxisX
axisX.Label.Angle = 270
Found Solution
Hi Benjamin,
Unfortunately, our Support Center concept doesn't allow you to discuss multiple problems within one thread.
In the future, please post a separate issue for each question. This way, we can process and track it more efficiently.
For now, I've moved your question regarding the Axis Labels to a separate issue. Please refer to this thread:
Chart Wizard issue when adjusting the axis label angle.
BTW: Also, it's not necessary to close the Bug Report after it has been fixed.