Properties window is not refreshed when switching between reports. There is problem with calculated fields.
Regards, Przemyslaw
Steps to Reproduce:
- Open attached sample
- Open XtraReport1 designer, select Properties window, select calculatedField1 in combo. Notice blank Expression property.
- Go to XtraReport2 designer, select Properties window, select calculatedField1 in combo,
- Notice Expression property is equal to 'True' (in XtraReport2.calculatedField1)
- Go to XtraReport1, select Properties window.
Actual Results:
calculatedField1 is selected in combo, but Expression property shows 'True'. It seems Properties window shows properties of XtraReport2.calculatedField1, but we are designing XtraReport1
Expected Results:
calculatedField1 is selected in combo, but all properties reflect XtraReport1.calculatedField1 state, not XtraReport2.calculatedField1
I'm afraid the information you provided doesn't allow us to recreate this issue. Actually, the properties window is correctly refreshed on my side. You can review how it works in the attached screencast. Could you please upgrade to the v2008 vol 3.3 of the XtraReports suite? If it does not help, please provide me with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce this issue.
Hi Alessandro,
I attached avi file that presents this bug in action.
Regards, Przemyslaw
Thanks for the clarification. I see the problem, and it appears to be an actual XtraReports issue.
Our developers will continue working on this problem, and we'll keep you informed of any progress. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.