I try to set binding to label at subreport to parentTable field, but designer do not apply this binding.
C# project with example in attachment.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create DataSet with parent/child tables
- Create new XtraReport, set dataset as datasource.
- Add subreport to report.
- Create xtraLabel1 at subreport.
- Go to edit mode of xtraLabel1, select all text of xtraLabel1
- Open tasks (by arrow at rightUp) for bind xtraLabel1 and set binding to datatable1.Text
Actual Results: - When tasks window closed - binding for xtraLabel1 (and displayed text at designer) - empty.
Expected Results: - When tasks window closed - binding for xtraLabel1 (and displayed text at designer) must be set to datatable1.Text.
Hello Andrew,
Thank you for the report. I'm afraid you're referring to an actual XtraReports issue.
Our developers will continue the research in order to determine what goes wrong. We will keep you informed of any progress.
Thank you,