Ticket AS7754
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Show an in-place editor after two clicks on a cell

created 18 years ago

Hello Dear Support !
See attached project.
gridView1.OptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode = DevExpress.Utils.EditorShowMode.Click;
Try open combobox editor of second row by clicking on combobox button. It takes 3 clicks to activate combobox. I expect 2 clicks are enough.
mit freundlichen Grüßen,
        Andrei Rantsevich
Proposed Solution:
Add a new EditorShowMode value, which will make the grid activate the in-place editor on a MouseDown event, but only if a given cell is already focused (a mixture of the Click + MouseDown editor show mode).

Comments (1)
Mike Falcon (DevExpress) 16 years ago

    The following enumerator has been added:

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