Ticket AS17550
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ASPxDataView - Implement the flow layout mode allowing data items to automatically fill the page area

created 18 years ago

Auto arrange items when window resizing.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    A new property Layout has been implemented within the ASPxDataView control. This property can be set to one of the following values: Table and Flow.
    When the Layout property is set to Table, data items are rendered into table cells whose arrangement is static - it is specified by the number of table columns and rows.
    When the Layout property is set to Flow, data items are rendered into DIV elements, which can be arranged dynamically based upon the browser window's size and the screen resolution.
    You can take a look at the following blog post for more information:
    Flow Layout In ASP.NET DataView (Upcoming Feature)

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