This example demonstrates how to create a custom Progress Bar control and use this control to visualize data.
The report that contains the custom Progress Bar control is shown below:
The report preview is shown in the following image:
Files to Review
- ProgressBar.cs (VB: ProgressBar.vb)
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Example Code
C##region #Reference
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;
using DevExpress.XtraReports;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.Utils.Serializing;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.Expressions;
#endregion #Reference
#region #Code
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
public class ProgressBar : XRControl {
// Implement a static constructor as shown below to add the
// "Position" property to the property grid's "Expressions" tab.
static ProgressBar() {
// Specify an array of events in which the property should be available.
string[] eventNames = new string[] { "BeforePrint" };
// Specify the property position in the property grid's "Expressions" tab.
// 0 - first, 1000 - last.
int position = 0;
// Specify an array of the property's inner properties.
string[] nestedBindableProperties = null;
// Specify the property's category in the property grid's "Expressions" tab.
// The empty string corresponds to the root category.
string scopeName = "";
// Create and set a description for the "Position" property.
ExpressionBindingDescription description = new ExpressionBindingDescription(
eventNames, position, nestedBindableProperties, scopeName
typeof(ProgressBar), nameof(Position), description
private float position = 0;
private float maxValue = 100;
public ProgressBar() {
this.ForeColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
[Description("The maximum value of the bar position.")]
[DisplayName("Max Value")]
public float MaxValue {
get { return this.maxValue; }
set {
if (value <= 0) return;
this.maxValue = value;
[Description("The current bar position.")]
public float Position {
get { return this.position; }
set {
if (value < 0 || value > maxValue)
this.position = value;
You can use two bricks to construct a progress bar. The "VisualBrick"
corresponds to a rectangle bar, the "PanelBrick" serves as a container
for this bar.
protected override VisualBrick CreateBrick(VisualBrick[] childrenBricks) {
// Create and return a panel brick.
return new PanelBrick(this);
protected override void PutStateToBrick(VisualBrick brick, PrintingSystemBase ps) {
base.PutStateToBrick(brick, ps);
// Cast the "brick" variable to the "PanelBrick" type (the type of a brick
// created in the "CreateBrick" method).
PanelBrick panel = (PanelBrick)brick;
// Create a new visual brick to represent a bar.
VisualBrick progressBar = new VisualBrick(this);
// Hide the brick's borders.
progressBar.Sides = BorderSide.None;
// Set the foreground color for the bar.
progressBar.BackColor = panel.Style.ForeColor;
// Calculate the width of the progress bar's filled area.
float filledAreaWidth = panel.Rect.Width * (Position / MaxValue);
// Create a rectangle to be filled by the foreground color.
progressBar.Rect = new RectangleF(0, 0, filledAreaWidth, panel.Rect.Height);
// Add the visual brick to the panel brick.
#endregion #Code