Example E3998
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Grid View for ASP.NET MVC- How to Specify a Custom Edit Form Template

This example demonstrates how to specify a custom EditForm template in the grid, add the Upload control to the template, and edit the in-memory data source.

Grid View for MVC - CustomEditFormTemplate

Set up the grid control, set the GridView.SettingsEditing.Mode property to EditFormAndDisplayRow, create a templated column, and call the GridViewSettings.SetEditFormTemplateContent method to define an edit form template.

@Html.DevExpress().GridView( settings => { settings.Name = "gridView"; settings.KeyFieldName = "ID"; settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "GridViewPartial" }; settings.SettingsEditing.Mode = GridViewEditingMode.EditFormAndDisplayRow; // ... settings.SetEditFormTemplateContent( c => { // ... } } ).Bind(Model).GetHtml()

Add the Upload control to the edit form template and define its settings. To allow the control to post selected files, wrap it in a form. In the FileUploadComplete event handler, assign the value obtained from the server to the text box editor.

@Html.DevExpress().GridView( settings => { // ... settings.SetEditFormTemplateContent( c => { // ... using(Html.BeginForm("ImageUpload", "Home", FormMethod.Post)) { Html.DevExpress().UploadControl( ucSettings => { // ... ucSettings.ClientSideEvents.FileUploadComplete = "function(s, e) { if(e.isValid) { avatarUrl.SetValue(e.callbackData) } }"; } ).Render(); } Html.DevExpress().TextBox( edtSettings => { edtSettings.Name = "avatarUrl"; edtSettings.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(100); } ) } } ).Bind(Model).GetHtml()

Update the in-memory data source.

Files to Look At


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Example Code

using System; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.UI; using DevExpress.Web; using DevExpress.Web.Mvc; using Sample.Models; namespace Sample.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { return View(UserProvider.Select()); } public ActionResult GridViewPartial() { return PartialView(UserProvider.Select()); } [HttpPost, ValidateInput(false)] public ActionResult AddNew([ModelBinder(typeof(DevExpressEditorsBinder))] User user) { if(ModelState.IsValid) UserProvider.Insert(user); else ViewData["UserInfo"] = user; return PartialView("GridViewPartial", UserProvider.Select()); } [HttpPost, ValidateInput(false)] public ActionResult Update([ModelBinder(typeof(DevExpressEditorsBinder))] User user) { if(ModelState.IsValid) UserProvider.Update(user); else ViewData["UserInfo"] = user; return PartialView("GridViewPartial", UserProvider.Select()); } [HttpPost, ValidateInput(false)] public ActionResult Delete([ModelBinder(typeof(DevExpressEditorsBinder))] User user) { UserProvider.Delete(user); return PartialView("GridViewPartial", UserProvider.Select()); } public ActionResult ImageUpload() { UploadControlExtension.GetUploadedFiles("uploadControl", UploadControlHelper.ValidationSettings, UploadControlHelper.uploadControl_FileUploadComplete); return null; } } public class UploadControlHelper { public static readonly UploadControlValidationSettings ValidationSettings = new UploadControlValidationSettings { AllowedFileExtensions = new string[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".jpe"}, MaxFileSize = 4000000 }; public static void uploadControl_FileUploadComplete(object sender, FileUploadCompleteEventArgs e) { if(e.UploadedFile.IsValid) { string resultFilePath = "~/Content/Avatars/" + string.Format("Avatar{0}{1}", Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"]), Path.GetExtension(e.UploadedFile.FileName)); e.UploadedFile.SaveAs(HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(resultFilePath)); IUrlResolutionService urlResolver = sender as IUrlResolutionService; if(urlResolver != null) e.CallbackData = urlResolver.ResolveClientUrl(resultFilePath) + "?refresh=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } } } }
@model List<Sample.Models.User> @Html.DevExpress().GridView( settings => { settings.Name = "gridView"; settings.KeyFieldName = "ID"; settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "GridViewPartial" }; settings.SettingsEditing.Mode = GridViewEditingMode.EditFormAndDisplayRow; settings.SettingsEditing.AddNewRowRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "AddNew" }; settings.SettingsEditing.UpdateRowRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "Update" }; settings.SettingsEditing.DeleteRowRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "Delete" }; settings.CommandColumn.Visible = true; settings.CommandColumn.NewButton.Visible = true; settings.CommandColumn.DeleteButton.Visible = true; settings.CommandColumn.EditButton.Visible = true; settings.Columns.Add("NickName"); settings.Columns.Add( column => { column.Caption = "Avatar"; column.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = System.Web.UI.WebControls.HorizontalAlign.Center; column.SetDataItemTemplateContent(c => { string url = (string)DataBinder.Eval(c.DataItem, "AvatarUrl"); ViewContext.Writer.Write( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? "<img src=\"" + Url.Content(url) + "\"/>" : "<center>Click Edit to load a New Avatar</center>" ); }); } ); settings.SetEditFormTemplateContent( c => { var user = ViewData["UserInfo"] != null ? ViewData["UserInfo"] : c.DataItem; Session["UserID"] = DataBinder.Eval(user, "ID") != null ? DataBinder.Eval(user, "ID") : Model.Count + 1; ViewContext.Writer.Write("<div style=\"padding: 4px 0px; font-size: 8pt\">"); Html.DevExpress().Label( edtSettings => { edtSettings.Text = "NickName"; edtSettings.AssociatedControlName = "NickName"; edtSettings.ControlStyle.Font.Bold = true; } ).Render(); Html.DevExpress().TextBox( edtSettings => { edtSettings.Name = "NickName"; edtSettings.ShowModelErrors = true; edtSettings.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(200); } ) .Bind(DataBinder.Eval(user, "NickName")) .Render(); ViewContext.Writer.Write("</div>"); ViewContext.Writer.Write("<div style=\"padding: 4px 0px; font-size: 8pt\">"); Html.DevExpress().Label( edtSettings => { edtSettings.Text = "Avatar"; edtSettings.ControlStyle.Font.Bold = true; } ).Render(); ViewContext.Writer.Write("<br />"); ViewContext.Writer.Write( "<div style=\"margin-top: 2px\">" + "Allowed ContentTypes: image/jpeg<br />" + "Maximum File Size: 4Mb" + "</div>" ); ViewContext.Writer.Write("<br />"); using(Html.BeginForm("ImageUpload", "Home", FormMethod.Post)) { Html.DevExpress().UploadControl( ucSettings => { ucSettings.Name = "uploadControl"; ucSettings.ShowUploadButton = true; ucSettings.AddUploadButtonsSpacing = 0; ucSettings.AddUploadButtonsHorizontalPosition = AddUploadButtonsHorizontalPosition.InputRightSide; ucSettings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "ImageUpload" }; ucSettings.ValidationSettings.Assign(Sample.Controllers.UploadControlHelper.ValidationSettings); ucSettings.ClientSideEvents.FileUploadComplete = "function(s, e) { if(e.isValid) { avatarUrl.SetValue(e.callbackData) } }"; } ).Render(); } Html.DevExpress().Label( edtSettings => { edtSettings.Text = "Avatar Url:"; edtSettings.AssociatedControlName = "avatarUrl"; } ).Render(); Html.DevExpress().TextBox( edtSettings => { edtSettings.Name = "avatarUrl"; edtSettings.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(100); } ) .Bind(DataBinder.Eval(user, "AvatarUrl")) .Render(); ViewContext.Writer.Write("</div>"); ViewContext.Writer.Write( "<div style=\"text-align: right; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px\">" + string.Format("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"{0}.UpdateEdit()\">Update</a>&nbsp;", settings.Name) + string.Format("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"{0}.CancelEdit()\">Cancel</a>", settings.Name) + "</div>" ); } ); } ).Bind(Model).GetHtml()
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState; namespace Sample.Models { public class User { int id; string nickname; string avatarUrl; public User() { ID = 0; NickName = string.Empty; AvatarUrl = string.Empty; } [Key] public int ID { get { return id; } set { id = value; } } [Required(ErrorMessage = "NickName is required")] public string NickName { get { return nickname; } set { nickname = value; } } public string AvatarUrl { get { return avatarUrl; } set { avatarUrl = value; } } public void Assign(User source) { NickName = source.NickName; AvatarUrl = source.AvatarUrl; } } public static class UserProvider { const string Key = "UserProvider"; static HttpSessionState Session { get { return HttpContext.Current.Session; } } static List<User> Data { get { if(Session[Key] == null) Restore(); return Session[Key] as List<User>; } } public static IEnumerable<User> Select() { return Data; } public static void Insert(User item) { item.ID = Data.Count + 1; Data.Add(item); } public static void Update(User item) { User storedItem = FindItem(item.ID); storedItem.Assign(item); } public static void Delete(User item) { User storedItem = FindItem(item.ID); Data.Remove(storedItem); } public static void Restore() { Session[Key] = new List<User>(); } static User FindItem(int id) { foreach(User item in Data) { if (item.ID == id) return item; } return null; } } }

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