Excitement building for our DevExpress Meetup in London

The festive season is approaching, and with it brings the first of our DevExpress Meetups in the UK. I for one am really looking forward to it.

Rory, Oliver, Don and I will be traveling to London on Thursday 1st December to join our local customers for a relaxed evening of talk and tech in one of Sir Christopher Wren's drawing rooms - pretty cool!

We are really excited to be hosting a large number of you there. I am keely aware though, that many more of you were hoping to join us too, but weren't able to secure a spot. The interest in this little gathering was staggering. It's my hope that we'll make a return trip to London for a second meetup, so please keep an eye on our events page for more information as well as dates for further UK meetup locations that are currently in the works.

If our London meetup sounds like fun but you are in the North of the country, why not come and join us for some festive fun at The Brewery Tap in Leeds on 14th December? We have some spaces available for our second meetup event at this central venue with an on-site microbrewery! :D

I am really looking forward to seeing many of you in London this week, and I hope to see more of you at our other meetup locations around the country over the coming weeks.

If there is a location that you'd like me to look into, drop me a message in the comments. I have been compliling a list from the replies I have been receiving from you all already, and I will do my best to try and make sure that some of those requests are fulfilled.

DevExpress Meetups in Dec 2016 - Australia, Netherlands, United Kingdom

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