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Version History
New Major Features
Breaking Changes
This list includes all the breaking changes introduced in 13.1.6.
App Frameworks (UI, API, ORM)
Cross-Platform .NET App UI (XAF)
- BC1983 – IModelView, MethodSimpleAction, MethodParameterObjectAction - The ID generation algorithm has been changed.
Business Intelligence
Dashboard for WinForms
- BC1961 – Localization strings for the date group interval format types changed their IDs.
- BC1970 – The DataDashboardItem.DataSource property can now be set to null by the Dashboard Designer.
- BC1960 – The DataItemDateTimeFormat.DateFormat property has changed its type from DateTimeFormat to DateFormat.
DXControls for WPF
- BC1947 – The IDocumentManagerService interface has been changed.
- BC1949 – The command handling implementation has been changed.
DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF
- BC1975 – From now on, GridControl creates automation peers only for visible rows.
DXPropertyGrid for WPF
- BC1964 – From now on, use asterisk instead of a dot as an unknown property placeholder when defining PropertyDefinition.Path to specify a path to a nested object's properties.
PDF Viewer
- BC1969 – The virtual OnDocumentLoaded method of the PdfViewer class has been renamed to OnDocumentChanged.