Ticket S36566
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Specific scenarios with calculated properties defined via the PersistentAlias attribute where the performance can be improved

created 14 years ago (modified 9 years ago)
Show previous comments (38)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

    @Andrew: I am happy to hear that you eventually have several workable solutions for your application when XPO is used for data access, and the whole situation is not that bad as might appear initially.

    >>we'll be even happier, and if we can get session variables into XPO custom filtering we'll actually be able to do everything we need.
    We will be also happy to help you improve your experience with our XPO product here. In order to do this, please submit a separate Support Center ticket containing a small sample project illustrating one of your scenarios, your current dynamic LINQ solution implementation and your current problems with it (or the list of expected results), of course, if you have some time. I am requesting this info because your textual descriptions made earlier in this thread are insufficient, and we need something running, to debug and research locally. With that, we will be able to help you much faster, and I am confident that the ticket you would submit will be highly appreciated by the rest XPO community. Thanks in advance.

    AT AT
    Andrew Thornton 9 years ago
      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

        @Andrew: I checked your ticket, which is quite dated, and I am afraid I could not find the necessary information allowing me to immediately start researching this specificity of your custom-tailored dynamic LINQ solution or to look for alternative technical solutions for your scenario. So, if this is still important for you and your business, please send us 1) a small debuggable sample project illustrating one of your scenarios, 2) your current dynamic LINQ solution implementation and 3) your current problems with it (or the list of expected results).

        >>The ability to pass a parameter down to the evaluate method of a custom filter from the session
        And just a side note, if I take this phrase from that ticket literally, I am aware of at least three different methods of passing external parameters into the ICustomFunctionOperator.Evaluate method. Since without researching and debugging your  sample I am not 100% sure if this will really help, I will wait for the additional info from you.

        Also, not to allow this thread to go completely off-topic, I would kindly ask you submit the info I requested above (1-3) in a separate ticket as per my previous requests.  Let me know privately at dennis@devexpress.com if there are any problems with this.

        EDIT: We have found a suitable solution for Andrew's scenario in the Session variables in a persistentalias custom filter thread.


        P.S. I want to remind you that discussing multiple problems within a single thread can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Not only for you and me, but also for customers who may review this thread down the line. In fact, I am considering removing this thread from our database. For instance, a reader may mistakenly think that he/she should wait for a certain feature to be implemented in XPO itself, when in reality, solutions for his/her inquiries already exist in the current XPO version (e.g., XPQuery, XPView, Session.Prefetch, etc.). My recent conversation with Martin Praxmarer in a separate ticket he logged as per his latest comment here just confirms this idea.
        Instead, it is possible that we produce a best practices or FAQ documentation with clarifications of the most common scenarios, mistakes and solutions using calculated properties, of course with references to the basic ORM theory like in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/97197/what-is-the-n1-selects-issue or in Felipe's comments above for better understanding.

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