Ticket S30413
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Performance - Support fast operation with large amount of data in a nested and lookup List View (turn on server mode)

created 17 years ago
Comments (2)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 13 years ago

    We have implemented this feature in the upcoming 12.1 version.
    Starting from this version, the UseServerMode option set in an application model for a required nested or lookup ListView node will be in effect.
    Take special note that the global UseServerMode option (under the Options element in the application model) will NOT automatically propagate its value to the respective local UseServerMode property value for all nested ListViews only. This was done intentionally, because the server mode per se is not designed to be used for each and every ListView without a real need for it. Generally, we recommend you use the server mode only when you really require it, for instance when a ListView is supposed to display thousands or millions of records. Also, refer to this help article to learn more on some server mode limitations that logically arise because of data processing on the server side. However, the global UseServerMode option will affect lookup ListViews as it was already done for the root ones by default.
    We think that the way we implemented it is the most correct and safest variant, but, as always, we look forward to hearing customers feedback on this and can adjust this behavior in the future.
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