I've been reading about TdxBarControlContainerItem and setting focus to it's control and this doesn't seem to be easy.
From what I read, the focus gets lots again because the control is placed on it's own internal TForm descendant.
I've been trying to get this done via Window messages, but no luck either. The only thing that -appears- to work is using a TTimer that sets the focus after a little while.
Now, this is somewhat "not so ideal", I think.
Wouldn't it be nice if the component would trigger an event -after placing- it on the TForm during run-time, so that you can use some code that would make it focussed, if required, by the application?
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Hi Martijn,
We've discussed this functionality with our developers, and seem to need more information to understand how it should work. Please provide a brief sample illustrating the scenario when this even might be helpful.
Well, as you know, the control only becomes visible after the next paint operation, meaning that a call to SetFocus results in "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window". I've tried sending window messages, but as your code places it on a TPlaceForm, the message gets lost.
Now, if the TdxBarControlContainerItem would trigger some kind of event "After" a paint operation, pass a parameter to ask if it would need focussing for keyboard input, we developers could respond to that and don't have to go through hoops with TTimers etc to set the contained control to receive keyboard focus.
Ok, Martijn, thank you for the clarification.
See Also:
TdxBarControlContainerItem - Makes it possible to use a control which has window handle in a submenu
How to Programmatically Set Focus to an ControlContainerItem
Yes, I know of the workaround, it's a pain to implement (over and over again)… That's why I created this request ;)