Ticket Q93907
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viewcontroller with specific win /web methods

created 17 years ago

I searched in the documentation and issues here, but can't find a way to achieve this. Is this possible ?
Let's say I have 2 objects : Address & Client. Client Inherits from Client.
I created 2 viewcontrollers in the App.Module : ViewControllerAddress & ViewControllerClient. Again the ViewControllerClient inherits from ViewControllerAddress.
Now if I want to override some method in the Address ViewController for the Win App only, can I do this ? I could create a new ViewController inheriting from the ClientViewController and overrid the method, but than I would have to do this for all the ViewControllers that inherit from Address.
thanks for your help

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    Ok, I understand. But what I'm trying to do alos is create one ViewController and use it for all screens that are based on the "Address" objecttype (like client, contacts, transporter, …). For now I haven't found a solution except create a separate controler for each object and base it on a standard (address) controller. It would be nice however if I could create one controller and select multiple objecttypes to apply it to. Can I do this ?

      If found that this solution works for me :
      - I set the ViewController to be used for all detailviews
      - Create an array of TargetTypes like :
             string[] arrayTargetTypes = { "Client", "Contact", "Transporter"};
      - Check in the Controls_Created if the type is of the TargetType
             if (Array.IndexOf(arrayTargetTypes, View.ObjectType.Name) >= 0) {…}
      Maybe it's still intresting to allow multiple TargetObjectTypes through the designer.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 17 years ago

        Hi Xavier,
        Yes, your solution is almost right: I suggest you move this condition into the overridden OnActivated method instead of placing this code within the View.ControlsCreated event handler.
        Maybe it's still intresting to allow multiple TargetObjectTypes through the designer.
        You are free to add a suggestion in this regard.

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