Ticket Q405230
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How to refresh Tab after returning from second popup window?

created 13 years ago

Sometimes we need to make some operations with entities which are showed in DetailView Tabs with usage of popup action and popup window. After this operations also sometimes it need to make some confirmations or additional operations with new data and second poup window. But when process in second window finished and we close second and first window it not clear for us how to refresh initail Tab information.
To see problem plz see example. For reproduce

  1. Go to Team detail view, create new Team Player, After Save, Player is added, but Team.Players list is not refreshed.
  2. Try to create new Player with existed Player.Name (duplication) - must be shown list of existed Players with entered name, after selection one of them, Player will be added(assotiated) to Team, but Player adding window is nor closed and initial Tab not refreshed also.
Comments (2)
Anatol (DevExpress) 13 years ago

    The source view is refreshed by a special script when the popup window is closed via the OK button. In your sample, when I clicked OK while entering a new Player, the popup window was not closed (because this is suppressed in the controller). So, I had to click Cancel to move back to the source view. Surely, the view was not refreshed. I suggest that you change your controller so that it is possible to close it via the OK button. In this case, the source view will be refreshed.
    As for the second use case, I received an error when trying to select a Player from the shown list. It appears that you forgot to include something in your sample. Please ensure that it is complete.

    ME ME
    Markus Essl (Graz) 13 years ago

      We make some fixes in sample.
      How reproduce error:

      1. Go toTeam DetailView
      2. Create a new Player (Accept and Cancel actions work - OK)
      3. When create another Player with same Name, but another Index
      4. On new dialog windox select first player…
        Thank for response


      created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

      Hello Markus,
      I have received the "Request Window Not Found" exception when testing your project. Is this the problem you are talking about? If so, the easiest way to solve it is to show the new view (players ListView) in the same window via the Frame.SetView method. I have modified your sample to demonstrate this approach. I hope that you will find this solution helpful.

        Comments (2)
        ME ME
        Markus Essl (Graz) 13 years ago

          Thank you. We solved this problem with your help

          Anatol (DevExpress) 13 years ago

            You are welcome!

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