Ticket Q320085
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Refresh Listview from Other DetailsView

created 14 years ago

Dear Sir,
How to invoke refresh function of a one objects listview from another object detailsview.??
Detailsview is not of the same listview, but opened from the listview using simple action.

Comments (3)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 14 years ago

    Hello Subodh,
    Thank you for your message.
    To open your DetailView in ViewController you use, you should keep a reference to a required ListView and then call its ListView.ObjectSpace.Refresh method. That's it.
    If you need any further assistance, please provide us with your controller code or even better with a small sample project. We will be glad to help you further.

    S S
    Subodh Sharma Mlr 14 years ago

      Find below my controllers code.
      public partial class ItemsServiceActionController : ViewController
              public ItemsServiceActionController()
                  TargetObjectType = typeof(Items);
                  TargetViewType = ViewType.ListView;
                  SimpleAction action = new SimpleAction(this, "Service",
                  action.ImageName = "Service";
                  action.SelectionDependencyType = SelectionDependencyType.RequireSingleObject;
                  action.Execute += new SimpleActionExecuteEventHandler(Action_Execute);
              void Action_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
                  IObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
                  Items item = os.GetObject<Items>((Items)e.SelectedObjects[0]);
                  if (item != null && item.ProStat != Items.PStat.Dead &&
                      item.ProStat != Items.PStat.ServiceRequest &&
                      item.ProStat != Items.PStat.WarrantyRequest)
                      Service service = os.CreateObject<Service>();
                      service.ServiceItem = item;
                      DetailView detailView = Application.CreateDetailView(os, service);
                      e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = detailView;
      Action_Execute opens the DetailsView for Service from Items ListView. Once Service is saved or Closed, i need to Refresh Items ListView.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 14 years ago

        You can modify your code as follows:

        ... detailView.ObjectSpace.Committed += new EventHandler(ObjectSpace_Committed); ... void ObjectSpace_Committed(object sender, EventArgs e) { <YourNestedListView>.ObjectSpace.Refresh(); //OR //<YourNestedListView>.CollectionSource.Reload(); }

        Let me know if this helps.

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