Ticket Q303458
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ASPxListBox synchronization with server on ASPxCallback

ASPxListBox loses items during ASPxCallbackPanel's callback

created 14 years ago

I am populating a listbox on a callback like this
    Protected Sub ddlUnmappedFields_Callback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase) Handles ddlUnmappedFields.Callback
                Using ds As New DataSet
                    ds.ReadXml("c:\test" & ddlSystems.Value & "" & ddlRuns.Value)
                    Dim alUnmapped As New ArrayList
                    For Each dc As DataColumn In ds.Tables("Historical").Columns
                        If Not dc.ColumnName.Equals("DataID") And Not dc.ColumnName.Equals("DataDate") And Not dc.ColumnName.Equals("Recipe") Then
                            Dim li = ddlMappedFields.Items.FindByText(dc.ColumnName)
                            If li Is Nothing Then
                            End If
                        End If
                    With ddlUnmappedFields
                        .DataSource = alUnmapped
                    End With
                End Using
    End Sub
The items show up in the listbox fine. This listbox is in a callback panel with several other controls and when a perform a callback on the panel there are no items listed.

Comments (1)

    Hello Patrick,
    When you perform ASPxCallbackPanel's callback, it is necessary to re-bind the ASPxListBox control with the last callback parameter to restore the Items collection (since it has been created by ASPxListBox's callback). For example, you can create a special method, which accepts the ASPxListBox instance and the callback parameter and call this method from the ASPxListBox's Callback event handler and from the ASPxCallbackPanel's Callback event handler.
    To resolve this issue, it is also possible to use the approach, illustrated in the ASPxListBox synchronization with server on ASPxCallback report.

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