How to use server mode with "How to: Filter Lookup List Views - Scenario 4 - Custom Lookup Property Data Source"
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Performance - Support fast operation with large amount of data in a nested and lookup List View (turn on server mode)
Hello Franco,
Thanks for contacting us. We are working on your issue. For now, we are researching the exception that occurred when we tried to replace the XPCollection by the XPServerCollectionSource
when providing a custom data source for the lookup. Another solution we thought about is setting the UseServerMode option for the lookup ListView.
Once we test both solutions and find the best one, we will get back to you
Hello Franco,
Attached is complete code showing how to implement your business classes to provide a custom lookup data source working in server mode.
Please test it and let us know if this helps.
Worked when LookupEditorMode = AllItems. In others exception occurs:
An error occurs while applying the 'DevExpress.ExpressApp.Utils.LightDictionary`2[System.String,DevExpress.Data.Filtering.CriteriaOperator] FullTextSearchCriteria' criteria: 'Cannot apply criteria. Only descendants of the 'DevExpress.Xpo.XPBaseCollection' class can be filtered while the current collection is of the 'DevExpress.Xpo.XPServerCollectionSource' type'
Hello Franco,
Thanks for the update. We see the problem and we're working on it. We will keep you updated. Thanks for your patience.
Hello Franco,
Thanks for your patience. We are afraid that this solution won't work if the lookup is filtered. This is simply because the XPServerCollectionSource cannot be filtered on the client - only a fixed criteria can be set for it.
This greatly limits the functionality of the lookup, since it cannot be filtered using the Search form because we cannot override this criteria set by the developer for the custom data source collection.
So, we should apologize because we were wrong when provided you with a not-fully functional code previously. This scenario is not fully supported in XAF and we suggest you wait for the Performance - Support fast operation with large amount of data in a nested and lookup List View (turn on server mode) suggestion.
I've added corresponding notes about your scenario to it.
Let me know if you need any further clarification on the subject.