Ticket Q133317
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ItemsCustomizationPopup Placement

created 16 years ago

Using the following code to show the field list popup.
Controller.ItemsCustomizationPopup.Owner := ViewInfo.HeaderViewInfo;
I want to show popup field list at the point where user clicks on a button.
Example Code might look like:
Controller.ItemsCustomizationPopup.Owner := Button1;
Controller.ItemsCustomizationPopup.Popup; // POPS UP AT THE BUTTON LEFT/TOP POINT
Controller.ItemsCustomizationPopup.Owner := self; // FORM THE HAS THE GRID
Controller.ItemsCustomizationPopup.PopupPoint(mouse.cursor.x,mouse.cursor.y); MOUSE POINT
Does this make sense?

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Hi John,
    If I understand your task correctly, you need to show the ItemsCustomizationPopup popup window at any place of the form, right?
    If so, I'm sorry to say, but the ExpressQuantumGrid's doesn't support this functionality. As a solution, you can to create your custom TcxCustomGridItemsCustomizationPopup class descendant and override its virtual CalculatePosition method.
    Please see samples from the following Knowledge Base article:
    "How to Utilize the QuantumGrid's Flexibility to Implement a New Feature in a Derived Class"
     Article ID:A334 (http://www.devexpress.com/kb=A334)
    Also, please see report DQ41731 ("How to register a custom Grid View to make it available at design-time") to learn how to register a custom Grid View to make it available at design-time.
    If you need any further assistance on this subject, please feel free to reactivate this ticket.

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