Hi Support team,
please have a look at the attached project. I have a page control with several controls on different tab sheets. Some tab sheets have less, others more controls. Those with the most controls need to be located on a scroll box to made them visible if the tab sheet / form is too small.
After changing the layout to use skinning, the scrollbox is the only 'ugly area' in the application.
Is there a component available in your libraries providing the same feature like the scrollbox (show scroll bars in case of a too small parent area) ?
Or is it possible to skin the scroll box ? Inserting a TcxGroupBox between TScrollBox and the EditControls will not be the result.
Your help is appreciated.
(I know, that there is a suggestion to add a TcxScrollBox control - it is "accepted, release TBD" - but it is from 2006… maybe, in the meantime any news are available ? …)
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Hi Michael,
Sorry, but we can't give you any promises regarding this suggestion. Please keep tracking it, and you'll be notified as soon as it is implemented. When its status is changed to "Planned", the feature will be implemented in the next update.
Right now, I suggest that you use the approach illustrated in the following report:
"How to emulate a TScrollBox", www.devexpress.com/issue=DQ10942.
Attached is a slightly modified sample project from this report, that adjusts the ScrollBox.Color property value according to the currently used skins settings. Please try it, and let us know how this solution works for you.
Hello Vito,
Thanks a lot for your reply. Using the information mentioned in your reply I was able to rearrange the code from your example and combine it in a single class. This class is easy to use and automatically assigns the proper skinning color by means of the IcxLookAndFeelNotificationListener interface.
Attached I provide the modified sample. Please feel free to offer the modified TScrollBox class to other users waiting for a TcxScrollBox.
Best regards
ooops - a little detail was missing…
Attached is a bug fixed version of the class
Hi Michael,
I'm glad to hear that my assistance was helpful. Thank you for informing us.
Also, thank you for sharing your sample with us. We greatly appreciate it! I'll put the corresponding note in this suggestion (ID: AS5381, Add a new component with TScrollBox functionality supporting transparency), so other customers who are tracking it will be informed of your solution.
I add just another fix (just in case there is someone who wants to use it…) - visibility management of the scroll bars was not OK (when the window was maximized and then resored, no scroll bars were visible). Not it works fine and I've added it to my program.
Thank you for the updated sample, Michael.
Hi Support Team,
I've got an email from one of your customers asking for an update of the uScrollBox due to Delphi 7 compatibility.
There are some minor fixes, thus I'll provide a new verseion here.