When in provider mode there is no way of updating the datacontroller at a row or cell level.
For example I have a list of Records (TRecord) that contains cells (TCell). When I update the TCell I have to call DataController.CustomDataSource.DataChanged; which in turn goes off an gets all the records from my list. This obviously has a performance impact.
Proposed Solution:
What I would like to be able to do is call something like DataController.CustomDataSource.RefreshRow passing in the index to the row of my internal list I have just updated. This will then call the GetValue on my TcxCustomDataSource for each cell. I would also like to call something like DataController.CustomDataSource.RefreshValue passing in the row of my internal list and the cell index to internal cell list.
For example:
FMyCustomDatasource.Records[iRecordIndex].Cells[0].Value = 'NewValue0';
FMyCustomDatasource.Records[iRecordIndex].Cells[1].Value = 'NewValue1';
FMyCustomDatasource.Records[iRecordIndex].Cells[2].Value = 'NewValue2';
Another Example:
FMyCustomDatasource.Records[iRecordIndex].Cells[iCellIndex].Value = 'NewValue0';
tableView.DataController.CustomDataSource.RefreshValue(iRecordIndex, iCellIndex);
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