First question:
I am using your grid in smartrefresh mode. Unfortionally i have to add records thru the dataset not thru the grid. How can I update only the inserted record so that I can see it and not the whole grid. ( A lot of records, so it is slow ).
Second question:
Is it possible to refresh only one record in the grid ?
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Unfortunately, your task cannot be implemented directly. Please review our knowledge base article "How to add or delete records in Smart Refresh mode" at http://www.devexpress.com/kbA291. From this article you can see that dataset updating via its methods does not affect the datacontroller when it is in SmartRefresh mode. However, you can try one possible solution. After you have added new data using dataset methods, you can use, for instance, the Lookup method to obtain the field values (it should not cause scrolling against the Locate method). Then you can add a record in the datacontroller using the methods from the mentioned article, and this will allow you to show new data within a Grid without its reloading. Finally, when the datacontroller reloads its data, it will obtain the same data from the dataset and you won't see the differencies. I hope this will be of some help.
This is what I am looking for. But do you have some real code
I am nog getting exactly how to do this, so some examples whit real code would be appreciated.
I am not adding a new record to the dataset ???
Thanks in advance.
Hi Gert!
Please try to run the attached sample project. You can see that when you simply edit one record and post it, the OnAfterScroll event does not fire as it does for every record when the datacontroller is reloaded in default mode. The DisableControls/EnableControls method can cause the datacontroller to be reloaded when it is in SmartRefresh mode as well. If this does not help you, I suggest that you attach your sample project which replicates the problem. We will try to find a solution for you.