I have an TdxBarSubItem on my RibbonBar and will fill the submenu list at runtime. I ́m scanning files in a specific path and will then create a TdxBarButton for each fileIi found, and a BarSeperator for the different FileGroups. So it should look like that:
FileGroup (BarSeperator)
I will also destroy these components at runtime.
Can you please help?
Best regards
Michael Reisch
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Hi Michael,
Attached is a small sample project demonstrating how to accomplish this task. Please review it and let us know your results.
Hello Vito,
thanks it works fine. I do it the same way, but there was nothing shown. Because in my first step I create only 4 BarSeparators but no Buttons. So I wonder why these are not shown. Then I find out that the seperators will be shown if there was following buttons.
But a second question:
The contents I show in this BarSubItem is dynamically and can change while application is running. So I need a rescan to show the new Buttons. For that I will delete first all old one, but in fact only the Buttons and Separators of this BarSubItem. Is there a easy way to do that? To delete this content I think it will not be enough to Clear the ItemLinks, I have also to destroy the objects - please give me an idea how to do that in an easy way.
Best regards
Hi Michael,
Please use the following code to clear the required ItemLinks collection and delete the corresponding bar items:
procedure TForm1.ClearItemLinks(AItemLinks: TdxBarItemLinks);
I: Integer;
AItemLinks.BarManager.LockUpdate := True;
for I := AItemLinks.Count -1 downto 0 do
AItemLinks.BarManager.LockUpdate := False;
Please let us know your results.
Hi Vito,
it works perfect. Thank you
Hi Michael,
You are welcome!