Ticket CQ22273
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Auto generated sequence numbers

created 18 years ago

Is there a facility or best practice for generating ascending human-readable sequence numbers for entities such as Order.OrderNumber (i.e. each saved order gets the next available order number)?

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 18 years ago

    Hello Jascha,
    It's best to define a special field/property which can be seen and used by the users of your application to identify business objects (documents). You will need to use the Session.FindObject method to obtain an object by a user-friendly ID. To optimize searching for objects, declare the ID field with the Indexed attribute. Here is some sample code:

    using DevExpress.Xpo; // Object with a user-friendly ID public class Client : XPObject { [Indexed(Unique=true)] public string ClientID; ... } // Add object Client client = new Client(); client.ClientID = "A007"; client.Save(); // Get object Client GetClientById(string clientID) { return Session.DefaultSession.FindObject(typeof(Client), new BinaryOperator("ClientID", clientID)) as Client; } Client client = GetClientById("A007"); Console.WriteLine(client == null ? "Client not found" : client.ClientID);

    Please note that you will need to develop your own algorithm for generating unique values for user-friendly IDs. The attached project shows our solution to this task. Hopefully, it will come in handy.
    Thank you,

    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 16 years ago

      Hi Guys,
      Please check the following issue in the Support Center: ID Q130688 (CQ22273 - ( Auto generated sequence numbers ) - how does this work?) in case of any questions on how to use helper classes from this example.

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