if I have
void f(<<caret>>)
and I type
I get
Exception paramName
if I have
and I type
I get
Exception varName;
Thats nice. Problem is, I quite often want the variable autonamed.
In the variable context, Ctrl X, Ctrl A does that.
In the parameter context, CtrlX, Ctrl A hilights the file (which is probably a bug - its definitely an inconsistency)
So I need to do Ctrl X, BackSpace, Ctrl A to consistently get an autonamed variable
OK, there is a workaround, I can do:
In summary, lots of inconsistencies in a feature I'd love to be able to use properly were it not so neutered by bugs/inconsistencies.
I've just seen that this is in as a BugReport. I meant Suggestion. However if I change it, the web interface is going to lose my work for me. And on reflection, its bugs in Ctrl A.
Expected Results:
- template a<<type>> or something similar creates an auto-named variable
OR - CtrlA in the context of typing a variable name works in both adding a param and declaring a variable contexts to auto-name the variable even if I've been suggested another one
I think (2) is probably a better route but maybe you have something planned in the (1) direction
Hi Ruben,
Thank you for the report.
However, I'm unable to reproduce the problem you described locally. Can you please supply a small sample video, illustrating exactly which actions lead to a problem on your side?
When I get time, I will do this, but I need to get set up with video recording and also the key showing gizmo.
If you want a netmeeting or a copilot session or anything thats friction free for me, it'll be a lot mroe likely to happen quickly.
For now, please trust me that Ctrl-A doesnt work as predictably as it could.
At some stage I'll hopefully get time to go through all my no repro issues and get you repros… sorry that it cant be as immediate as I'd like it to be.
Hi Ruben,
Thank you for the response.
Sorry, but we need to see the problem in action to be able to fix it. For now, we'll mark this report as "Can't Reproduce". If you find a reproducible case, please feel free to reactivate it.