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See CB3867 ("TdxBarSubItem + tdxBarControlContainerItem mouseClick on control") for details.
See Also:
TdxBarControlContainerItem - Easy focusing
Hello Nicolae.
Our developers have examined this request and decided not to implement it. Lets imagine, that some developer will place some third-party control to the ControlContainerItem, that will not work correctly there. As its implementation is not known to us, we will not be able to determine the cause of this incorrect behavior, as in the case with our editors.
This TdxBarItem allows you to use almost every control in it, and we are not able to test all these situations.
So, we decided not to implement this feature, because we cannot guarantee that it will work in all situations as expected.
Thank you for understanding.
Best regards,
It is a follow-up to our previous message.
By design, when a sub-menu is closed by moving focus to another control/application or when some updating notification is sent to it, its ItemLinks handles are destroyed. We have implemented a lot of code in our CX controls library and ExpressBars Suite to correctly handle such situations.
For example, if the TcxBlobEdit component is placed to the TdxBarControlContainerItem, which is placed to a sub-menu, and a user opens BlobEdit's dialog, focus is moved outside this control. We've added some code that prevents destroying this editor, to process loading data in it.
However, we can't implement it for third-party components, because it requires implementing our routines at their level, but it is impossible due to huge variety and sources inaccessibility of these controls.
Hopefully, my explanation is clear.
you have solution is new version?
i need
I created a separate ticket on your behalf: (T989370: Can a control which has windows handle be used in TdxBarControlContainerItem?). We placed it in our processing queue and will process it shortly.