Ticket S413
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UltraFlat look-and-feel - Make it possible to remove thick (doubled) lines between bands and column headers

created 19 years ago

See the attached screenshot. Is it possible not to show these thick lines and draw them as regular grid lines?

Comments (2)
Serge (DevExpress Support) 19 years ago

    For now, this can be done by using the custom draw abilities of the ExpressQuantumGrid. More precisely, it is necessary to handle the OnCustomDrawColumnHeader and OnCustomDrawBandHeader events of a Banded View and hide some borders of bands and columns.
    The attached project demonstrates how to implement this functionality. Hopefully, it will be helpful and it will not be a problem to adapt it.

    DevExpress Support Team 14 years ago

      You can achieve the desired appearance using GridView's OnCustomDrawColumnHeader and OnCustomDrawBandHeader events as follows:

      procedure <aForm>.<aBandedView>CustomDrawColumnHeader( Sender: TcxGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxGridColumnHeaderViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean); begin with TcxGridDBBandedColumn(AViewInfo.Column).Position do begin if not AViewInfo.IsPressed then if (VisibleColIndex = 0) and (Band.VisibleIndex <> 0) then AViewInfo.Borders := AViewInfo.Borders - [bLeft] else else AViewInfo.Borders := [bLeft .. bBottom]; end; end; procedure <aForm>.<aBandedView>CustomDrawBandHeader( Sender: TcxGridBandedTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxGridBandHeaderViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean); begin if not AViewInfo.IsPressed then begin AViewInfo.Borders := AViewInfo.Borders - [bBottom]; if AViewInfo.Band.VisibleIndex > 0 then AViewInfo.Borders := AViewInfo.Borders - [bLeft]; end else AViewInfo.Borders := [bLeft .. bBottom]; end;

      Please refer to the sample project from our previous post that shows this approach in action.

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