Ticket S38477
Visible to All Users

Security.MemberLevel - Allow to configure access to members by criteria

created 13 years ago

See Also:
Member and Object Permission with new Security strategy
Proposed Solution:
Chris Pitt said in Q369671:
"…I think it makes sense to be able to apply both permissions to an object at the same time. Personally I would say that the object permission has the overriding permission in that you are limiting the access to the object from an object level, then if you have access to the object you can then limit the access to the members of the object and not the other way around."

Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

    I just wanted to provide a quick update on this feature for XAF developers interested in this functionality. We decided to keep this item Active, until more demos and complete documentation is available on this feature. Currently (in 13.1), we will only have a small demo in the SecurityDemo app (see the attached screenshot). You can see the configuration for this scenario in the Updater.cs file:

    // Member By Criteria Operation Permissions securityDemoRole.EnsureTypePermissions<MemberByCriteriaSecurityObject>(SecurityOperations.Navigate); securityDemoRole.AddMemberAccessPermission<MemberByCriteriaSecurityObject>("Name", SecurityOperations.ReadWriteAccess, "[Name] <> 'No Read Access Object'"); securityDemoRole.AddMemberAccessPermission<MemberByCriteriaSecurityObject>("Property1;ReferenceProperty;Oid;oid", SecurityOperations.ReadWriteAccess, "[Name] = 'Fully Accessible Property Object'"); securityDemoRole.AddMemberAccessPermission<MemberByCriteriaSecurityObject>("Property1;ReferenceProperty;Oid;oid", SecurityOperations.Read, "[Name] = 'Read-Only Property Object'");

    We will officially announce this feature and mark this ticket as closed once we are done with the learning materials. Please stay tuned!

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