Ticket Q97055
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GridView RowSelect Without Pressing Ctrl/Shift

created 17 years ago

Is it possible to highlight rows without pressing Ctrl/Shift or using row indicator? I tried to changed to CellSelect, it allows me to highlight multiple row on the grid, but then the FocusedRow appearance is not applied. Thanks.

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

    Hi Jarron,
    Sorry for the delay in responding.
    Please check the state of properties in the GridView.OptionsSelection group.
    The MultiSelect, EnableAppereanceFocusedCell, EnableAppereanceFocusedRow properties should be set to true, and the InvertSelection should be set to false.
    If I have misunderstood you, or this solution doesn't meet your needs, please provide us with additional information regarding your issue (a sample project will be greatly appreciated).

      Hi Andrew,
      That's actually my current settings, I've also set MultiSelectMode to RowSelect and Appearance for FocusedRow, FocusedCell and SelectedRow. The problem is, it requires me to hold down Ctrl/Shift or use Row Indicator to do multiple row selection. Instead, I would like to select any cells on a row and do multiple selection. I tried to change MultiSelectMode to CellSelect, but then I lost the Appearance for FocusedRow, SelectedRow.
      Thanks for you help.

      DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

        Hi Sean,
        Thank you for the feedback.
        In this scenario I believe you can use an approach from the How to Select Rows via the Mouse
        Please review this issue and let us know, whether it meets your needs.

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