Ticket Q522520
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load a GIF in a cxImage component

created 12 years ago


Can I load a GIF image in the cxImage component? When I load the image in the Picture property the IDE stop running. Before I try to use the TImage to load the Gif with the next code:

(Image1.Picture.Graphic as TGIFImage).Animate := True;

But in my GIFImage.pas doesn't exist the "Animate" property. Then I want to know if the cxImage or other component from DevExpress Can achieve this goal!


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

I am afraid that our controls do not support animated images.

    Comments (3)
    AV AV
    Armando Valenzuela 12 years ago

      Is there a way to load a cursor ( like in the attachment) with a devexpress component? I know that is a gif but maybe exists other form that achieve this challenge without a gif image.

      AV AV
      Armando Valenzuela 12 years ago

        Can We create A Wait Form with a Splash Screen Manager in delphi7? Please We need a tutorial or sample project.

        DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

          We do not provide any component to implement this functionality. As a workaround I suggest you try our TdxImageSlider control (see the attached project).

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