I have written a test application to show report data.
I would like to know what else I need to do to the following, because when I run the application the documentviewer1 control only (which is on a windows form of its own as i need to have other things on there) contains/shows report data if I include the newreport.showpreview line of code. This then means that I have two windows forms open with the report data.
I just want to show the documentviewer1 control on an existing form with the report data.
thereport is the xtrareport design.
_table = gdbmod.GetDataTable("select * from reports.report328vw")
_table.TableName = "report328dtl"
Dim newreport As New thereport
newreport.DataSource = ds
DocumentViewer1.DocumentSource = newreport
I am afraid I cannot find an appropriate solution to this problem without additional information. Would you please post here a small sample project that demonstrates this issue? This will make the situation clearer.
Before assigning the report to the dcoumentViewer, you have the call newreport.CreateDocument(); No need of the newreport.ShowPreview().
Hope this works
Ravickumar M