We've been having some performance issues (see ticket http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q423395.aspx)
The application seems to be running fine with a small quantity of users, but when we reach 30 or so the CPU process hangs and we have to reset the IIS working process.
The devexpress support team told us to check/profile the SQL Server, we did and everything is working fine, the problem resides at the sever-side.
We tried setting up a web garden with multiple working processes. From reading multiple online forums we think a web garden would help us greatly with our performance issues. The problem is that in order for it to work we cannot use inProc session state, and we'd have to use SQL or State Service.
BUT, it seems that the XafApplication object is not serializable.
Is there a possible workaround? we've seen many people using sticky sessions configured on the Windows Server 2003 Load Balancer, but we don't really have many servers, we just have one with multiple worker proccesses.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.