Ticket Q394260
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Localization - Make it possible to copy the default language value into the translated value

Localization Tool - IsTranslated with equal values

created 13 years ago

what is the purposed workflow with values that have the same value in default language and the translation language? "Navigation" for example - if I want to translate "Navigation" (caption of shownavigationitem action) - its called "Navigation" in german too. I'm typing any letter in the "Translated Value" column and leave the row. Than I have to returing to this value and delete the just entered letter. But this row will not marked as "IsTranslated". What should I do in such cases? Maybe "IsTranslated" should also consider if the value is modified in the translation layer?
Best regards,

Comments (3)
Anatol (DevExpress) 13 years ago

    Hello Kim,
    Thank you for your feedback. We already have a similar suggestion: Localization - Make it possible to copy the default language value into the translated value. Please track our announcements to know when it is implemented.

      Hi Anatol,
      do you know any workaround for now? We have a unittest to check if everything is translated (not really everything, but everything we want). It uses the LocalizationItems Collection and looks something like this:

      var litems = new LocalizationItems(appModel, translatedLanguage); var listOfNotTranslatedObjects = new List<ILocalizationItem>(); foreach (var litem in litems) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(litem.DefaultLanguageValue) && !litem.IsCalculated && !litem.IsTranslated) {} }

      It would be very helpful if we could decide, if a value is translated the same as the defaultlanguage value - in code.

      Anatol (DevExpress) 13 years ago

        Hello Kim,
        Until the Localization - Make it possible to copy the default language value into the translated value functionality is implemented, the only way to write such a unit test is to create a list of items that should not be translated and check whether or not the item belongs to it.

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